domingo, 11 de janeiro de 2015

River of Life


Within the river of life I lie,
Surrounded by flesh-eating fishes and rocks,
Wondering whether as a farm ox
My destiny is to serve and die.

May I request any more
Of the materials which can float
So then I can build a boat
For my arms and legs are sore?

Go on. You may my requests ignore.
That is what my arms and legs were built
For; now my emptiness is filled with guilt
And my beliefs and hopes were washed ashore.

What am I supposed to look for?
With all this pain that I feel,
I wish my heart were made of steel
And I could only listen to Nature's roar.

I search for something I can never find:
The reason why this river feels like fire.
And to vanish is the single worst desire
That day after day crosses my mind.

I want to leave this water behind
And search for some hope to guide me ahead,
Because the rocks that now hit my head
Are made by the hatred of mankind.

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